Monday, April 24, 2017

Chucky Mullins

A single football tackle delivered by Chucky Mullins produced enough force to severely damage his spinal cord and cause him to become paraplegic. At age 20, he was unable to use any of his extremities and had difficulty swallowing. Though he was no longer able to cover a slant route or jam a receiver at the line of scrimmage, Chucky stayed positive and focused his tenacity on finishing his degree and making the most of his situation. Maximizing his independence and utilizing switches triggered by his nose, head, or tongue, we felt, could be the focus of his OT intervention. Additionally, though feeding and speaking are usually within the wheelhouse of speech therapists, we felt that Chucky could have benefited from additional time spent on those who things with an OT.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Tim! Positive attitude makes such a big impact!
