Monday, May 15, 2017

My thoughts on the article "What Does Disability Really Mean?"

One quote that I loved from this article was: "Because at a fundamental level, what makes something a disability is dependent on nobody else but the person who has it. At the core of me, at the basic essence of who I am, there is no “abled” or “disabled.” There is only me."

The author absolutely nails it. No one chooses to sustain a stroke or spinal cord injury, or in case, to be depressed, but they do choose what it means to them, and what they do with it. Normal is just the most common abnormality, but that doesn't make the smaller pieces of the pie chart abnormal.

Now, this isn't to say that the aforementioned ailments shouldn't be dealt with, but rather to say that they, rather than society, gets to place a name tag on it.

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