Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Takeaways from foundations

First off, you have done an awesome job. I thoroughly enjoy your classes and the climate(s) that you create within them.

The main info I picked up in this class are: the history and origin of OT, the skeleton of the OTPF, and what it means to be an OT. The OTPF was a bit daunting at first, but you did a great job explaining it all. If the info wasn't retained, it wasn't because you didn't deliver it correctly. Regardless of what we covered, it was always placed in the context of who we are as OTs, and it was never presented info for rote memorization. This class was an excellent first class to have to acclimate us to what exactly we're going to be doing in a couple years.

You can tell that you care about each student deeper than a grade book level, and it comes out in every class that you teach. Thank you.

P.S your clothes DO match

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Thanks, Tim! Your contributions to your class and to the program are very much appreciated. And your humor always brightens my day :)
