Friday, May 5, 2017

Neuronote 2

I watched a Tedtalk called "How Autism Freed Me to be Myself," by a young girl named Rosie King. She started her talk making fun of herself, saying her monotone voice prevents her from getting jobs, but that she makes a great GPS. Though I would never condone making fun of others, I think being able to make fun of yourself is a sign of confidence. Her talk centered around how her "disability" in many ways is an ability. The unique wiring of her mind enabled her to do things I am not remotely capable of doing. For example, her senior term paper was written in one night- in her sleep. She got an A on it. Her take home message was that because social awareness was not that of most of her peers, she was able to truly show the world who she is. She could show this without fear of rejection or being labeled weird. I think that's something we could all learn from. Too often, we allow our creativity, talents, and souls to remain diluted or even hidden; what would happen if we just let go?
The creativity of humanity would flourish even more.

Citation: King, R. (2014, November 21) Rosie King: How Autism Freed Me to Be Myself [Video file] Retrieved From

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